Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Forever Clear and Blue

by Maria T., grade 8

I appear peaceful and blue
but most people don't have a clue
they throw trash and waste too
and continue to pollute.

I feel sad and sick
and I don't want to be extinct,
but as pollution invades me in a blink
I fear for my survival and I fear to be seen
because it seems I'm turning green!

People gossip as they come,
many things need to be done
in order to save my endangered soul.
I just float here waiting for all
to take a stand and share one goal
and I hope I'm not alone
so they can clean me after all.

It is wonderful to wake up
each new day comes with new hope
to find a cure and reverse all
so I can feel myself once more.

I can't wait for all my waters
to be cleaned and feel brand new,
 to be crystal clear and blue.
So I can shine with the sun
blow with the wind
and glare at the moon.

All it takes is for people to care
and try to always be aware
of their actions to respect
and be able to protect
this lake for all to share.

So all I ask is for a chance
to tell everyone to stop polluting at once!
to work together to preserve
my waters clean and safe,
for every species here and there
and for all who come my way,
to feel enjoyment everyday.

Still I wait here in neglect
as magnificent volcanoes around me reflect
all their beauty and grand extraordinaire
on the peaceful waters of my despair.

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