Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Bent Desire

I am different,
I see beyond the scheme that society puts before me.
Love is love, no matter who it is directed to, isn't it?
there's people telling me it's not that way,
they tell me it's wrong,
they tell me that we're meant to love the opposite
but what if we're tired of being misunderstood?
what if we want someone who fully understands us?
why is it wrong?
this concept has existed since the beginning of time,
we've existed since the beginning of time
feeling attracted to anyone from our species.
who are you to tell me I'm not allowed to love who I want to love?
who are you to tell me I'm not allowed to dress how I want to dress?
who are you to tell me that I am abnormal, a freak of nature?
how am I disgusting?
how am I less?
how am I abnormal?
how are you better?
it is my right to be happy
I'm happy this way
just let me be
that's all I ever asked for,
maybe even a bit of understanding
a bit of comprehension, might help.
why give me dirty looks for what I am?
why not treat me the same for what I'm not?
believe me, it's easier to pretend
but why should I apologize for who I am?
I am just fine the way I am
and I'm not changing because of people like you
I can love who ever I want  and NO ONE will stop me.
It's my decision to take;
it's my move to make
it's my choice and YOU have nothing to do with it.

~By L.S., age 14

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