Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Routine

by D.H., Grade 9

En las mañanas canta el gallo.
Making me rise and shine.
Waking me up from my dream.
Haya sido bueno o malo.
And then I begin my routine.
Me lavo los dientes.
I wash my hair.
I brush my teeth,
y salgo por la puerta.
To begin a new day
with a sonrisa on my face.
I don't know what to expect from today,
pero sea lo que sea.
I'll expect with open arms.
Today is a gift,
por eso le llaman presente.
And I promise to make the best out of it,
o si no, mañana es un nuevo día.
The rooster will again sing in the morning.
Giving me esperanza for a brand new day.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Unknown Future

by A. C. A., Grade 9

When you are in love
Tu estas en las nubes
You forget about the rest of the gente
And there's only una persona en la cual tu piensas;
Una sola.

You wish to be with that person
Pero piensas que nunca pasara
But always remember,
Con el futuro nunca sabes que pasara.

A mi me paso eso
I thought nothing would happen
And even try to olvidarlo
But soon we find out
That we could not live without each other.

No te estoy diciendo
Que la persona you love is coming to you;
Pero algun dia the right person
Will come to you
Or you just find it

Ser paciente en el amor
is important.
You should wait for love to come to you
Pero nunca tu a el.